Sandbox Logo


  "CsProjName": "",
  "PrimaryAsset": "MediaPlayer.MPScreen",
  "PhysicsMins": "-1,-1,-1",
  "PhysicsMaxs": "1,1,1",
  "RenderMins": "-1,-1,-1",
  "RenderMaxs": "-1,-1,-1",
  "Summary": "play mediacontent and have fun",
  "Description": "!! Recent update broke this addon, thumbs up the issue to speed up fix:\n\nWatch your favorite videos, streams and listen to music. Mediaplayer supports souch popular services as youtube,twitch and soundcloud. All of those service supports API, so you can seek,control volume and pause in real time. Both actions will be synchronized with players on your server.\n\nThis player also have direct link support, so you can request sounds or video by using direct link. Necessary metadata of media will be parsed via ffprobe.\n\n!! If mediaplayer not showing up in entities list, you can spawn it through console via command: spawn_entity ent_mediaplayer\n\nCurrently work in progress, some bugs may happen.\n\nTodo: cooler synchronization (i need to play more with WebSocket), request queue, access stuff.",
  "Public": true,
  "Compiler": {
    "RootNamespace": "Sandbox",
    "DefineConstants": "SANDBOX;ADDON;DEBUG",
    "NoWarn": "1701;1702;1591;",
    "ReleaseMode": "Release"
  "ReplaceTags": "mediaplayer entity player videoplayer youtube cinema runtime map",
  "PackageSettings": [
      "Choices": [],
      "ConVarName": "",
      "DisplayName": "New Setting..."
  "Resources": ""


Name Size
text_snippet manifest.json 57B
text_snippet package.playback.mediaplayer.dll 92KB
insert_photo default_ao_tga_7449568e.generated.vtex_c 1.9KB
insert_photo default_metal_tga_3379da5d.generated.vtex_c 2KB
insert_photo default_normal_tga_7f4327e9.generated.vtex_c 1.9KB
collections color_purple.vmat_c 4.3KB
insert_photo dev_metal_rough90_vmat_g_tcolor_a0ce44b8.generated.vtex_c 1.5KB
insert_photo dev_metal_rough90_vmat_g_tnormal_48c67987.generated.vtex_c 1.8KB
collections dev_metal_rough90.vmat_c 4.9KB
insert_photo purple_color_tga_392c166f.generated.vtex_c 45KB
insert_photo black_color_tga_772d73e6.generated.vtex_c 12.5KB
insert_photo black_vmat_g_troughness_6fb51546.generated.vtex_c 1.9KB
collections black.vmat_c 5.4KB
view_in_ar screen.vmdl_c 5.7KB