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Total Deathmatch Wins

Here are the player entries for this stat, summed and ordered descending. We'll make this a bit more dynamic in the future, letting you filter by date, re-order and page.
User When Value
Carson This Month 61
somewhere_in_the_universe Last Month 13
eXodos Last Month 6
Jase Last Month 6
matek Last Month 5
alex Last Month 5
Andiq Last Month 4
Grafis Last Month 4
Michaltntk Last Week 4
saito Last Week 4
Steinkoloss Last Month 3
Pol Last Month 3
zeroxoneafour Last Week 3
badlands chungus Last Month 2
WhyBird Last Month 2
Jammie Last Month 2
tytimp4_ Last Month 2
丂卂ㄥㄖ Last Month 1
complete disappointment... Last Month 1
MetalP0tato Last Month 1