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Using in Code

There are two static functions you can use. TikTokTTS.Say() and TikTokTTS.Download()
using TikTokTTS;

public class MyComponent : Component
    async void SayExample()
        // Call the API directly and returns a MusicPlayer
        await TikTokTTS.Say("Hello world, what is up?");
        // Can also specify what voice you'd like to use
        var musicPlayer = await TikTokTTS.Say("This is a different voice. Positioned in the world.", "en_male_ukneighbor");
        musicPlayer.Position = Transform.Position;

    async void DownloadExample()
        // Call the API directly and save the returned TTS to an mp3 file
        var fileName = await TikTokTTS.Download("I'm downloading this so I can play it and then save it for future use!");
        // Play the sound yourself once you've downloaded it like normal
        MusicPlayer.Play(FileSystem.Data, fileName);

Using the Component

Simply add the component and set the Text and Voice property accordingly. You can test the voice by pressing the "Speak" button at any time and can call the component's speak function at runtime with component.Speak()


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