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When you stand on the same bomb with another person, you get stuck in that place and cant blow each other up
2 Months Ago
Downloaded the files but can not go into the game, immediately flies out in the menu. copy-paste only console lines (not all log-file) System.Exception: Error loading /.bin/package.facepunch.bombroyale.dll at Sandbox.PackageLoader.LoadAllAssembliesFromPackage(ActivePackage package) at Sandbox.PackageLoader.LoadPackage(String ident, Boolean exactName) at Sandbox.PackageLoader.Enroller.LoadPackage(String packageName, Boolean loadAssemblies) at Sandbox.GameMenu.GameInstance.LoadAsync(Enroller enroller, CancellationToken token)
3 Months Ago
Either I can't find the button to place a bomb or it doesn't exist
4 Months Ago
Can't place bombs
4 Months Ago
restored project, yay
4 Months Ago
No lobbies were found(