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Powerup Strength: Activations

Here are the player entries for this stat, summed and ordered descending. We'll make this a bit more dynamic in the future, letting you filter by date, re-order and page.
User When Value
Krotter This Year 135
GOLI This Year 103
PinkNightmare129 This Year 89
Gustavsp20 This Year 70
mrpaukovskiy This Year 62
Jase This Year 45
DanishDane01 This Year 41
kereby. This Year 38
bakscratch This Year 30
Kolya142 This Year 27
0x8180 Last Month 24
XP_Folder This Year 23
HypFox This Year 19
FR Gabstorm [MaTraX] This Year 18
Just Harry This Year 18
Journeyman H. Yesterday 16
Dragonknight This Year 15
Danduw This Year 15
Bean Chilli This Year 15
Крошъ This Year 15