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Here are the player entries for this stat, summed and ordered descending. We'll make this a bit more dynamic in the future, letting you filter by date, re-order and page.
User When Value
kicks This Year 121
Bronuh This Year 56
xro This Year 50
ducc This Year 36
mRRюk3r This Year 35
MR.NOOB This Year 35
figardo Last Month 29
UMP45 This Year 22
ProSalsaSauce This Year 18
Ryder815 This Year 15
Journeyman H. This Year 14
Coul This Year 12
neutornow This Year 12
bozotown This Year 12
jimmy soul Last Month 12
The alien king This Month 11
macaroni shmlacaroni This Year 11
fredl1x This Year 11
Sydney wit da peeney This Year 10
StupidNoob This Year 9