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Lap Time

Here are the player entries for this stat, summed and ordered descending. We'll make this a bit more dynamic in the future, letting you filter by date, re-order and page.
User When Value
kicks This Year 9985.675948053598
fredl1x This Year 831.6729049682617
mRRюk3r This Year 526.3009166717529
figardo Last Month 480.0948371887207
MR.NOOB This Year 306.72863006591797
Bronuh This Year 219.70117950439453
The alien king This Month 207.50413131713867
macaroni shmlacaroni This Year 194.0692901611328
StupidNoob This Year 179.41399002075195
jimmy soul Last Month 176.62628173828125
D3ZZ3ND This Year 170.91061401367188
ducc This Year 170.8323974609375
Drouply This Year 168.72747802734375
Ryder815 This Year 162.47808074951172
xro This Year 137.6498565673828
Psyche ward rabbit This Year 130.82284545898438
Sydney wit da peeney This Year 117.51307678222656
Kolya142 This Year 113.54383850097656
dmaydanik8 This Year 107.2539291381836
secretdio This Year 106.91889953613281