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Total Score

Here are the player entries for this stat, summed and ordered descending. We'll make this a bit more dynamic in the future, letting you filter by date, re-order and page.
User When Value
DocteurWhoFR Last Month 2045292
Idesto) Last Month 803536
Kiddywink This Year 729180
Mephiles This Year 604280
Dr.Pepper This Year 573908
AurA This Year 555280
oldlean Last Month 490892
Lynxylotl Last Month 384484
frungy This Year 353780
krives... This Year 298416
qwer_qwqw Last Month 229292
baskar Last Month 202500
MeHiLoveIch This Year 153356
Rhysus Last Month 149228
complete disappointment... This Year 131432
HDMineFace This Year 117736
DraimGooSe Last Month 95012
Kreem This Year 93164
Bingo Heeler This Month 66900
LapinO's Last Month 57180