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Total Deaths

Here are the player entries for this stat, summed and ordered descending. We'll make this a bit more dynamic in the future, letting you filter by date, re-order and page.
User When Value
.dL [FW] General Scrat Yesterday 2003
Kinsou76 Two Days Ago 85
imgiofm This Month 81
S1berian Last Month 63
p__vii.ttv Last Month 61
Raf Three Days Ago 56
Layla This Month 54
ducc Three Days Ago 45
GEX This Month 39
PixelQubed This Month 31
Ышка This Month 28
mark This Month 26
llauirescat (but festive) This Month 26
Pvydrow Yesterday 26
Wapa Viddter This Month 25
RxBlazeWave This Month 24
Scotty This Month 24
SG_KaAp This Month 24
crazy4racks27 Last Week 24
PsychΘpaTH This Month 23